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National Acquisition Center (CCST)

Item Details:DSUSP3000EZ

Catalog Number: DSUSP3000EZ
VA SIN Description: A-45 — Suction/Aspiration Equipment
Long Description: SuperSolid Plus Solidifier Treatment Bottle w/ EZ Spout 3000cc (CASE of 100) (EPA)
Price: $139.75 / CA
Date Effective: 8/1/2020
Expiration Date: 7/31/2025
GSA Advantage: YES
Prime Vendor(PV): NO

36F79720D0131, DiSorb Systems, Inc.

Contract Point of Contact:
Name: Brooks Hulitt
Phone: 215 207 9010 ext. 203
Fax: 215-207-9011
Corporate Address:
Address: 1800 West Indiana Ave
City: Philadelphia
State: PA
Zipcode: 19132
Site: Web Site
Socioeconomic Information: (If all fields below are blank then size is other than small)
Small: X
Veteran Owned: X
Woman Owned: _
Disabled Veteran: X
Hub Zone: X
8a: _
Contract Dates:
Awarded: 4/23/2020
Effective: 8/1/2020
Expiration: 7/31/2025
NAC Contracting Officer (CO):
Name: Amy Marchese-Rosario
Phone: (708)786-5918
Ordering Contact:
Address: 1800 West Indiana Avenue
City: Philadelphia
State: PA
Zipcode: 19132
Phone: 218-207-9010
Fax: 215-207-9002
Emergency Contact:
Name: Zeb Congdon
Phone: 215-207-9010
Payment/Delivery Information:
Credit Card Accepted: Yes
Credit Card Discount: none
Minimum Order: None
Delivery Terms: 7 Days After Receipt of order (ARO)
Expedited Delivery: 48 hours ARO, government will be responsible for difference between normal and expedited delivery
Discount Information:
Prompt Payment: SIN A-45: 2% 10 days, Net 30 days (invoiced orders only) SIN A-19: 2% Net 30 Days (Invoice Only).
Quantity Discount: Quantity discount is in addition to basic discount, as follows:2% for 10-49 cases (total qty discount of 2%);3% for 50-95 cases (total qty discount of 3%);4% for 96 cases and above (total qty discount of 4%) same order/same location, mix match ok invoice
Warranty Information:
Details: 180 days