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National Acquisition Center (CCST)

MedSurg Catalog Search

MedSurg Catalog Search

Click on the Catalog Number hyperlinks below for contract details and ordering information

Found 752 records out of 559527
Results 1 - 20 displayed
National Acquisition Center's Socioeconomic Contract Repository MedSurg Search Results
GSA PV Product Long Description Contractor Name Price BPA Price SIN
046-27812 36F79718D0303 X DJO/CHATTANOOGA 9 DIODE CLUSTER 1040mW5 X 850 NM 200mW LASER4 X 670 NM 10mW LED Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $2994.16 A-72
113-1391 36F79718D0303 X HAUSMANN 7' PLATFORM MOUNTED PARALLEL BARS Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $1318.44 A-70
143-624 36F79718D0303 X ARMEDICA AM-624 WOOD TAPING TABLE - END SHELVES 25"W X 49"L X 36"H Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $556.83 A-79
113-1392 36F79718D0303 X HAUSMANN 12' PLATFORM MOUNTED PARALLEL BARS WITH HEIGHT & WIDTH ADJUSTABILITY Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $1617.24 A-70
113-1398 36F79718D0303 X HAUSMANN 10' POWER HEIGHT MOBILITY PLATFORM MOUNTED PARALLEL BARS Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $6471.02 A-70
046-27814 36F79718D0303 X DJO/CHATTANOOGA 13 DIODE CLUSTER 415MW3 X 850 NM 100mW LASER3 X 950 NM 15mW SLD7 X 670NM 10mW LED Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $2610.08 A-72
143-640 36F79718D0303 X ARMEDICA AM-640 STEEL ELECTRIC HI-LO MAT PLATFORM - 4' X 7' WITH 900 LB. WEIGHT CAPACITY Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $3099.99 A-79
113-141246 36F79718D0303 X HAUSMANN UPHOLSTERED MAT PLATFORM 4 X 6 X 18" Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $730.26 A-79
143-6411 36F79718D0303 X ARMEDICA AM-640 WITH ADJUSTABLE BACKREST STEEL ELECTRIC HI-LO MAT PLATFORM - 4' X 7' WITH 900 LB. WEIGHT CAPACITY Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $3200.00 A-79
046-27816 36F79718D0303 X DJO/CHATTANOOGA 13 DIODE CLUSTER 715MW3 X 850NM 200mW LASER3 X 950NM 15mW SLD7 X 670NM 10mW LED Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $2815.53 A-72
143-642 36F79718D0303 X ARMEDICA AM-642 STEEL CRANK ADJ HI-LO MAT PLATFORM - 4' X 7' WITH 900 LB. WEIGHT CAPACITY Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $2400.00 A-79
113-141247 36F79718D0303 X HAUSMANN UPHOLSTERED MAT PLATFORM 4 X 7 X 18" Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $761.61 A-79
011-WC0025 36F79718D0303 X ELGIN LONG-STRAP CUFF WEIGHT -1/4LB - 1/EACH Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $9.35 A-70
143-6431 36F79718D0303 X ARMEDICA AM-642 WITH ADJUSTABLE BACKREST STEEL CRANK ADJ HI-LO MAT PLATFORM - 4' X 7' WITH 900 LB. WEIGHT CAPACITY Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $2650.00 A-79
140-52122 36F79718D0303 X SPORTSART SIDE SWIVEL SEAT OPTION FOR UB521M UPPER BODY ERGOMETER Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $1188.99 A-70
046-1012 36F79718D0303 X DJO/CHATTANOOGA MOIST HOT PACK -KNEE/SHOULDER - 10" X 20" Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $25.26 A-70
140-C521M 36F79718D0303 X SPORTSART C521M REHAB RECUMBENT CYCLE Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $3028.65 A-70
143-644 36F79718D0303 X ARMEDICA AM-644 STEEL MAT TABLE - 4' X 7' WITH 1000 LB. WEIGHT CAPACITY Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $1154.42 A-79
015-2010 36F79718D0303 X ELGIN-BRAND VINYL-COVERED BOLSTER/ROLL - 4"D X 18"L *ROYAL BLUE* Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $36.56 A-70
140-C535R 36F79718D0303 X SPORTSART C535R RECUMBENT CYCLE Elginex Corporation DBA Tartan Group $3079.45 A-70

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When contemplating issuing a task order against Federal Supply Schedule (621 I), Professional and Allied Health Care Services, issuing office must ensure compliance with VHA Directive 0710 (PDF), dated May 18, 2007, entitled Personnel Suitability and Security Program and obtain the appropriate background clearances.