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National Acquisition Center (CCST)

Item Details: 36F79719D0279, Waterloo Healthcare, LLC

Contract Point of Contact:
Name: Steven Brothers
Phone: 800-833-4419
Corporate Address:
Address: 3730 E. Southern Avenue
City: Phoenix
State: AZ
Zipcode: 85040
Socioeconomic Information: (If all fields below are blank then size is other than small)
Small: X
SDB: _
Veteran Owned: _
Woman Owned: _
Disabled Veteran: _
Hub Zone: _
8(a): _
Contract Dates:
Awarded: 9/28/2019
Effective: 10/1/2019
Expiration: 3/31/2025
NAC Contracting Officer (CO):
Name: Allison Ma
Phone: (708)786-4872
Ordering Contact:
Address: 3730 E. Southern Avenue
City: Phoenix
State: AZ
Zipcode: 85040
Phone: 800-833-4419
Fax: 602-437-2270
Emergency Contact:
Name: Mr. John Bergmann
Phone: 800-833-4419
Payment/Delivery Information:
Credit Card Accepted: Yes
Credit Card Discount: none
Minimum Order: 50,000.
Delivery Terms: 2 Days After Receipt of Order for items in stock and assembled, 45 Days for all other items.
Expedited Delivery: Waterloo will honor all requests for expedited shipping and will attempt to ship within 1-2 days after receipt of order. Due to the nature of product, expedited shipping charges may be substantial.Please call to discuss requirements.
Discount Information:
Prompt Payment: 1% 10 Days, Net 30 Days (non-credit card orders only)
Quantity Discount: 2 Carts = 2% additional discount (17% total discount from List Price, shipping included) 3-6 Carts = 3% additional discount (18% total discount from List Price, shipping included) 7+ Carts = 5% additional discount (20% total discount from List Price
Warranty Information:
Details: 5 year
Contracted SIN's and Descriptions
SIN Description
A-48 Carts, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (Crash)
A-82 Carts, Medication, Patient Application
A-83 Carts, Medical Supplies, Patient Application