Name: | Raymond Curatolo |
Phone: | 203-482-5666 |
Fax: | |
email: | |
Address: | 300 Wilson Ave |
City: | Norwalk |
State: | CT |
Zipcode: | 06854 |
Country: | |
Small: | X |
SDB: | X |
Veteran Owned: | _ |
Woman Owned: | _ |
Disabled Veteran: | _ |
Hub Zone: | _ |
8(a): | _ |
Awarded: | 7/13/2020 |
Effective: | 7/15/2020 |
Expiration: | 7/14/2025 |
Name: | Amy Marchese-Rosario |
Phone: | (708)786-5918 |
email: | |
Address: | 300 Wilson Ave |
City: | Norwalk |
State: | CT |
Zipcode: | 06854 |
Phone: | 203-482-5666 |
Fax: | |
email: | |
Name: | |
Phone: |
Credit Card Accepted: | Yes |
Credit Card Discount: | |
Minimum Order: | No Minimum |
Delivery Terms: | 14 Days After Receipt of Order (ARO) |
Expedited Delivery: | 7 Days After Receipt of Order (ARO) |
Prompt Payment: | |
Quantity Discount: | 1.5% discount on orders over $3,500.00 that are invoiced, single ship location orders. |
Details: | 90 Days |