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National Acquisition Center (CCST)

Item Details: 36F79722D0029, TSPS Industries, Inc dba Tagg Industries

Contract Point of Contact:
Name: Derek Shirley
Phone: 740-521-9475
Fax: 614-433-9621
Corporate Address:
Address: 30211 Avenida de las Banderas
Address: Suite 200
City: RanchoSantaMargarita
State: CA
Zipcode: 92688
Socioeconomic Information: (If all fields below are blank then size is other than small)
Small: X
SDB: _
Veteran Owned: X
Woman Owned: _
Disabled Veteran: X
Hub Zone: _
8(a): _
Contract Dates:
Awarded: 11/24/2021
Effective: 12/1/2021
Expiration: 11/30/2026
NAC Contracting Officer (CO):
Name: Tynesha Love
Phone: (708)786-3729
Ordering Contact:
Address: Tagg Industries
City: RanchoSantaMargarita
State: CA
Zipcode: 92688
Phone: 949-770-9029
Fax: 949-770-3016
Emergency Contact:
Payment/Delivery Information:
Credit Card Accepted: Yes
Credit Card Discount: Not Applicable
Minimum Order: $100
Delivery Terms: Within 5 - 10 days After Receipt of Order
Expedited Delivery: Within 24 - 48 hours After Receipt of Order (ARO). Government responsible for the difference between normal and expedited shipping charges.
Discount Information:
Prompt Payment: 1% 15, Net 30 days
Quantity Discount: 3% discount on purchases over $1,000 (Same Order/Same Shipping Location) invoice order only
Warranty Information:
Contracted SIN's and Descriptions
SIN Description
A-14B Otoscopes
A-16 Stockings (Anti-embolism/compression only)
A-25C Immobiliers/Soft Goods
A-50A Vital Signs Monitors
A-53 ECG/EKG Apparatus
A-55 Electrodes, Universal, Leadwires and Cables
A-57 Pulmonary Function Testing Equipment
A-69 Acute Care Beds
A-78 Scales, Electronic and Mechanical - Patient, medical only
A-79 Tables, Patient Examination, Treatment and Operating
A-80 Lights, Surgical, Ceiling and Surgical Stand
A-81 Chairs and Stools, Patient Examining
A-83 Carts, Medical Supplies, Patient Application
A-84 Cabinets, Medical and Surgical
A-89 Sterilizer and Sanitizer Equipment