Name: | Janet Lamb |
Phone: | 508-698-6920 |
Fax: | 508‐698‐6926 |
Address: | 720 BROOKER CREEK BLVD |
Address: | SUITE 210 |
City: | OLDSMAR |
State: | FL |
Zipcode: | 34677 |
Country: | |
UEI: | TKNRR883UM39 |
Small: | X |
SDB: | _ |
Veteran Owned: | _ |
Woman Owned: | _ |
Disabled Veteran: | _ |
Hub Zone: | _ |
8(a): | _ |
Awarded: | 10/14/2023 |
Effective: | 10/15/2023 |
Expiration: | 10/14/2028 |
Name: | Kara Baker |
Phone: | (708)786-3736 |
email: | |
Address: | 720 BROOKER CREEK BLVD |
City: | OLDSMAR |
State: | FL |
Zipcode: | 34677 |
Phone: | 508-698-6920 |
Fax: | |
Name: | Janet Lamb |
Phone: | 508-698-6920 |
Credit Card Accepted: | Yes |
Credit Card Discount: | None |
Minimum Order: | $25 |
Delivery Terms: | A‐1 → A‐8, A‐10 → A‐33, A‐90, A‐95, A‐96 - 30 days ARO A‐9, A‐34 → A‐89, A‐91, A‐92, A‐94 - 45 Days ARO A-93 - 90 days ARO |
Expedited Delivery: | Not Offered |
Prompt Payment: | None |
Quantity Discount: | None |
Details: | 1-5 Years |
SIN | Description |
A-25C | Immobiliers/Soft Goods |
A-25D | Positioners |
A-2A | Plain Applicators/Swabs/Wipes/Pads |
A-30 | Restraints, Adult and Pediatric - Medical application only |
A-32 | Hospitalware, Plastic/Stainless - Medical use only, such as bedpans, urinals, sponge bowls and water |
A-39 | Laser, Surgical |
A-48 | Carts, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (Crash) |
A-64 | IV Pumps |
A-72 | Stimulators, Muscle, Nerve and Pain Control |
A-77 | Transportation Units (Stretchers) - Patient, medical only |
A-79 | Tables, Patient Examination, Treatment and Operating |
A-81 | Chairs and Stools, Patient Examining |
A-82 | Carts, Medication, Patient Application |
A-83 | Carts, Medical Supplies, Patient Application |
A-84 | Cabinets, Medical and Surgical |
A-85 | Cabinets, Warming |
A-87 | Instruments Stands/Tables (Surgical) |
A-92 | Medication and Supply Packaging and Dispensing Equipment |
A-94 | Introduction of New Products under 65 II A, Medical Equipment & Supplies |