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National Acquisition Center (CCST)

Item Details: V797D-50583, Agiliti Health, Inc.

Contract Point of Contact:
Name: David Kelley
Phone: 404-895-6855
Corporate Address:
Address: 11095 Viking Dr., Suite 300
City: Eden Prairie
State: MN
Zipcode: 55344
Socioeconomic Information: (If all fields below are blank then size is other than small)
Small: _
SDB: _
Veteran Owned: _
Woman Owned: _
Disabled Veteran: _
Hub Zone: _
8(a): _
Contract Dates:
Awarded: 4/14/2016
Effective: 4/15/2016
Expiration: 4/14/2026
NAC Contracting Officer (CO):
Name: Bright Oppong
Phone: (708)786-5854
Ordering Contact:
Address: 6625 W. 78th Street, Suite 300
City: Minneapolis
State: MN
Zipcode: 55439
Phone: 800-847-7368
Emergency Contact:
Payment/Delivery Information:
Credit Card Accepted: Yes
Credit Card Discount: None
Minimum Order: None
Delivery Terms: Rental products: 24 hours ARO Purchase products: A-69 and A-76: 45 days ARO A-50H: 4 days ARO. A-200: 15 days ARO, A-41: 45 days ARO
Expedited Delivery: Rental Products: 12 hours ARO Purchase products: SIN A-69 by Comfortex: 30 days SIN A50-H by Wellsense: 2 days. A-200: 3 days ARO. A-41: 15 days ARO. Government is responsible for difference between expedited and standard delivery
Discount Information:
Prompt Payment: Net 30 days
Quantity Discount: LifeSeat products: 4-10 units = 3%, 11-49 units = 5%, 50+ units = 7%. Caremed OnCare Harmony: 20+ units = 10% discount. VitalGo products: 20+ units = 9% discount. A-200: 2% discount for repairs in excess of $10,000. A-41: 2% on orders over $5,000.00.
Warranty Information:
Details: Varies
Contracted SIN's and Descriptions
SIN Description
A-200 Equipment Maintenance and Repair
A-30 Restraints, Adult and Pediatric - Medical application only
A-41 Electrosurgical Apparatus
A-45 Suction/Aspiration Equipment
A-47 Oxygen Concentrators
A-49 Oxygen Respirators/Resuscitators
A-50A Vital Signs Monitors
A-50F Oximeter Monitors
A-50H Other Physiological Monitors
A-64 IV Pumps
A-65 Pumps, Patient Feeding, External
A-67 Autotransfusion Units (Blood)
A-69 Acute Care Beds
A-70 Physiotherapy Apparatus
A-74 Flotation Pads/Mattresses for Therapy
A-75 Hyperthermia/Hypothermia Systems
A-76 Lifts, Patient Equipment for Hospital and Home Use
A-81 Chairs and Stools, Patient Examining