Name: | Brenda King |
Phone: | 866-771-7052 |
Fax: | |
email: | |
Address: | 4428 Overton Crest Street |
City: | Fort Worth |
State: | TX |
Zipcode: | 76109 |
Country: | United States of America |
Small: | X |
SDB: | _ |
Veteran Owned: | _ |
Woman Owned: | _ |
Disabled Veteran: | _ |
Hub Zone: | _ |
8(a): | _ |
Awarded: | 9/28/2022 |
Effective: | 10/1/2022 |
Expiration: | 9/30/2027 |
Name: | Eric Freeman |
Phone: | (708)786-5223 |
email: | |
Address: | 4428 Overton Crest St |
City: | Fort Worth |
State: | TX |
Zipcode: | 76109 |
Phone: | 866-771-7052 |
Fax: | |
email: | |
Name: | |
Phone: |
Credit Card Accepted: | Yes |
Credit Card Discount: | None |
Minimum Order: | No minimum |
Delivery Terms: | A-1 → A-8, A-10 → A-33, A-90, A-95, A-96 – 30 days A-9, A-34 → A-89, A-91, A-92, A-94 – 45 Days |
Expedited Delivery: | 7 Days ARO - Responsible for difference between normal and expedited delivery |
Prompt Payment: | Net 30 Days |
Quantity Discount: | None |
Details: | Government |
SIN | Description |
A-14G | Other Medical Diagnostic Instruments |
A-20C | Other Implants, Surgical |
A-8A | Disposable Surgical Hand Instruments - Includes instrument accessories |
A-8B | Reusable Surgical Hand Instruments - Includes instrument accessories |
A-91 | Radioactive Medical Waste Systems |