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National Acquisition Center (CCST)

Item Details: 36F79722D0214, Surgical Tools, Inc.

Contract Point of Contact:
Name: Willie Morris
Phone: 800/774-2040
Fax: 540/587-7197
Corporate Address:
Address: 1106 Monroe St.
City: Bedford
State: VA
Zipcode: 24523
Socioeconomic Information: (If all fields below are blank then size is other than small)
Small: X
Veteran Owned: _
Woman Owned: _
Disabled Veteran: _
Hub Zone: _
8(a): _
Contract Dates:
Awarded: 9/1/2022
Effective: 9/1/2022
Expiration: 8/31/2027
NAC Contracting Officer (CO):
Name: Donna Mattini
Phone: (708) 240-3617
Ordering Contact:
Address: 1106 Monroe St
City: Bedford
State: VA
Zipcode: 24523
Phone: 201-587-6646
Fax: 540-587-7197
Emergency Contact:
Name: Willie Morris
Phone: 800/774-2040
Payment/Delivery Information:
Credit Card Accepted: No
Credit Card Discount: Accepted at & above micropurchase threshold
Minimum Order: $100.00
Delivery Terms: SIN C-1 thru C-36 & C-42: 15 Days ARO (After Receipt of Order) SIN C-37 thru C-41 & C-INP: 30 Days ARO
Expedited Delivery: Gov't to pay additional shipping charge
Discount Information:
Prompt Payment: 2%-10 Net 30
Quantity Discount: On a single order: 3% over $10,000.00 5% over $20,000.00 8% over $50,000.00
Warranty Information:
Details: Commercial
Contracted SIN's and Descriptions
SIN Description
C-10 Sterilizers, Dental
C-100 Repair of Electric or Air Driven Reusable Oral or Surgical Dental Hand Held Instruments & Accessories
C-12 Cavity Preparation Materials
C-13 Cements
C-14 Provisional Crowns, Bands, Crown Forms & Related Items
C-15 Denture Liners & Repair Materials
C-16A Filling Materials, All Types -Amalgam
C-16B Filling Materials, All Types -Composite
C-16C Filling Materials, All Types -Provisional Materials
C-17 Impression Materials
C-18 Trays for Impression Materials
C-19 Pins, Post, Drillls & Drivers
C-2 Amalgamators & Accessories
C-20A Preventive & Prophy Materials - Accessories
C-20B Preventive & Prophy Materials -Oral Hygiene Products
C-21 Articulators
C-22 Casting Machines
C-23 Furnaces & Accessories
C-24 Alloy, Casting & Related Items
C-25 Denture Base Materials
C-26A Crown & Bridge - Porcelain
C-26B Crown & Bridge - Resin
C-28A Dental Implants - Surgical Drills, Components
C-29A Hand Instruments, Dental - Oral Surgical - Disposable
C-29B Hand Instruments, Dental - Oral Surgical - Reusable
C-3 Dental Delivery System
C-30A Hand Instruments, Dental - General Dental - Disposable
C-30B Hand Instruments, Dental - General Dental - Reusable
C-31A Hand Instruments, Dental - Orthodontic - Disposable
C-31B Hand Instruments, Dental - Orthodontic - Reusable
C-32A Hand Pieces, Dental & Accessories - Air Driven, Electric- Disposable
C-32B Hand Pieces, Dental & Accessories - Air Driven, Electric - Reusable
C-33A Angles & Other Handpieces, Handpiece Fittings - Disposable
C-33B Angles & Other Handpieces, Handpiece Fittings - Reusable
C-33C Angles & Other Handpieces, Handpiece Fittings - Burs, Carbide
C-33D Angles & Other Handpieces, Handpiece Fittings - Burs, Diamond
C-34A Endodontic Instruments & Supplies - Broaches, Reamers, Files
C-34B Endodontic Instruments & Supplies - Root Canal Filling Materials
C-34C Endodontic Instruments & Supplies - Related Items
C-35 Orthodontic Supplies & Related Items
C-36 Cutting Grinding & Polishing Instruments & Supplies - Abrasives/Polishers (Disks, Points, Stones, Strips & Wheels)
C-37A DentalRadiographic Equipment - Conventional
C-37B DentalRadiographic Equipment - Digital
C-38A Dental X-Ray - Materials & Accessories
C-38B Dental X-Ray - Film
C-39 Stools - Dentist, Assistant, Hygienist
C-40 Dental Patient Chairs & Examining
C-41 Cabinets, Dental
C-42A Barrier Materials - Bone Grafting & Associated Barrier Materials
C-42B Barrier Materials - Radiographic (Conventional & Digital) Oral Equipment Barriers/Sheaths
C-5 Light, Dental, Operatory
C-6 Light, Curing Units
C-6A Light, Curing Units - Halogen
C-6B Light, Curing Units - LED
C-7 Prophylaxis Units & Accessories
C-8 Dental Vacuum Equipment & Accessories
C-9 Handpiece Light Unit
C-INP Introduction of New Products (INP)