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National Acquisition Center (CCST)

Item Details: 36F79719D0219, 4MD Medical Solutions LLC

Contract Point of Contact:
Name: Israel Cywiak
Phone: 732-669-5290
Fax: 866-611-6999
Corporate Address:
Address: 15 America Ave, Suite 207
City: Lakewood
State: NJ
Zipcode: 08701
Socioeconomic Information: (If all fields below are blank then size is other than small)
Small: X
SDB: _
Veteran Owned: _
Woman Owned: _
Disabled Veteran: _
Hub Zone: _
8(a): _
Contract Dates:
Awarded: 7/30/2019
Effective: 8/1/2019
Expiration: 7/31/2025
NAC Contracting Officer (CO):
Name: Roberto Ramirez
Phone: (708)786-4988
Ordering Contact:
Address: 15 America Ave, Suite 207
City: Lakewood
State: NJ
Zipcode: 08701
Phone: 877-463-5818
Fax: 866-611-6999
Emergency Contact:
Payment/Delivery Information:
Credit Card Accepted: Yes
Credit Card Discount: None
Minimum Order: $100.00
Delivery Terms: 30-45 days ARO all SINs; A-93, 90 days ARO.
Expedited Delivery: 3 days ARO all SINs, Government is responsible for difference between normal and expedited delivery shipping charges.
Discount Information:
Prompt Payment: Net 30 days
Quantity Discount: 1.5% discount on single purchase invoice orders of $10,001 and above.
Warranty Information:
Contracted SIN's and Descriptions
SIN Description
A-10 Cannulas, Airways, Tubes and Accessories - All styles, types and sizes, except those relating to blood transfusion and IV apparatus
A-13A Sterile Latex Gloves
A-14A Sphygmomanometers
A-14B Otoscopes
A-14C Stethoscopes
A-14D Thermometers
A-14E Hand-Held Dopplers and Pulse-Oximeters
A-14F Laryngoscopes
A-14G Other Medical Diagnostic Instruments
A-16 Stockings (Anti-embolism/compression only)
A-23A Hot Water Bags
A-23B Ice Bags
A-25A Splints
A-25C Immobiliers/Soft Goods
A-25D Positioners
A-25G Other Orthopedic/Surgical Supports
A-26A Pads, Bed Linen, Protective
A-28 Charts and Chart Racks (Medical Only)
A-2A Plain Applicators/Swabs/Wipes/Pads
A-2B Treated Applicators/Swabs/Wipes/Pads
A-30 Restraints, Adult and Pediatric - Medical application only
A-32 Hospitalware, Plastic/Stainless - Medical use only, such as bedpans, urinals, sponge bowls and water
A-3B Treated Bandages/Gauzes
A-3D Elastic Bandages/Gauzes
A-46 Secondary Oxygen Equipment
A-4A Adherent Dressings - Impregnated or non-impregnated
A-50A Vital Signs Monitors
A-50F Oximeter Monitors
A-50H Other Physiological Monitors
A-52 Respiratory Monitors
A-53 ECG/EKG Apparatus
A-55 Electrodes, Universal, Leadwires and Cables
A-6 Sponges/Surgical
A-61 EEG Apparatus
A-62 EMG Apparatus
A-64 IV Pumps
A-69 Acute Care Beds
A-70 Physiotherapy Apparatus
A-71 Whirlpool/Hydobaths and Bath Units, Medical
A-72 Stimulators, Muscle, Nerve and Pain Control
A-74 Flotation Pads/Mattresses for Therapy
A-76 Lifts, Patient Equipment for Hospital and Home Use
A-77 Transportation Units (Stretchers) - Patient, medical only
A-78 Scales, Electronic and Mechanical - Patient, medical only
A-79 Tables, Patient Examination, Treatment and Operating
A-80 Lights, Surgical, Ceiling and Surgical Stand
A-81 Chairs and Stools, Patient Examining
A-82 Carts, Medication, Patient Application
A-83 Carts, Medical Supplies, Patient Application
A-84 Cabinets, Medical and Surgical
A-85 Cabinets, Warming
A-86 Nourishment Workstations
A-87 Instruments Stands/Tables (Surgical)
A-88 Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems
A-89 Sterilizer and Sanitizer Equipment
A-8A Disposable Surgical Hand Instruments - Includes instrument accessories
A-8B Reusable Surgical Hand Instruments - Includes instrument accessories
A-9 Scopes, Medical - With accessories and replacement parts. Includes but is not limited to duodenoscopes, endoscopes and surgical microscopes. Excludes laboratory microscopes.
A-91 Radioactive Medical Waste Systems
A-92 Medication and Supply Packaging and Dispensing Equipment
A-93 Pharmacy Furniture
A-96 Prescription Information Aids, Equipment and Supplies for Patient Use.