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National Acquisition Center (CCST)

Item Details: 36F79720D0228, Cardinal Health 200, LLC

Contract Point of Contact:
Name: Melissa Pedigo
Phone: 847-887-2649
Corporate Address:
Address: 3651 Birchwood Drive
City: Waukegan
State: IL
Zipcode: 60085
Socioeconomic Information: (If all fields below are blank then size is other than small)
Small: _
SDB: _
Veteran Owned: _
Woman Owned: _
Disabled Veteran: _
Hub Zone: _
8(a): _
Contract Dates:
Awarded: 8/28/2020
Effective: 9/1/2020
Expiration: 8/31/2025
NAC Contracting Officer (CO):
Name: Sandra Cullen
Phone: (708)786-7795
Ordering Contact:
Address: Government Customer Service
City: Dublin
State: OH
Zipcode: 43016
Phone: 800-444-1166
Emergency Contact:
Payment/Delivery Information:
Credit Card Accepted: Yes
Credit Card Discount: None.
Minimum Order: No Minimum Order
Delivery Terms: - 30 Days ARO – A-1, A-4a, A-7a, A-8a, A-8b, A-10, A-11c, A-15a, A-18a, A-18b, A-19, A-21d, A-23c, A-25d, A-26c, A-31, A-32, A-33a, A-33b, A-33c, and A-90c - 45 Days ARO – A-45, A-55, and A-83
Expedited Delivery: Expedited delivery as requested by the Ordering Facility if Cardinal Health customer services is notified within 24 hours ARO, product is in stock, and ordered by noon CST. Ordering facilities pay the difference between normal and expedited shipping charg
Discount Information:
Prompt Payment: None. NET 30 Days
Quantity Discount: None.
Warranty Information:
Details: 1 year
Contracted SIN's and Descriptions
SIN Description
A-1 Adhesive Tapes and Adhesive Bandages
A-10 Cannulas, Airways, Tubes and Accessories - All styles, types and sizes, except those relating to blood transfusion and IV apparatus
A-11C Other Catheters - All styles, types and sizes, except those relating to blood transfusion
A-15A Needles, Hypodermic
A-15B Syringes
A-15D Syringe and Needle Combination (Antistick)
A-15E Protective Sheaths (for needles, hypodermic and IV (antistick))
A-16 Stockings (Anti-embolism/compression only)
A-18A Procedural/Instrument Sets, Kits and Trays, Disposable
A-18B Treatment Sets, Kits and Trays, Disposable
A-19 Wound Drainage Systems and Kits/Evacuators - Excludes equipment and equipment accessories
A-21A Sharps
A-21C Chemotherapy Containers
A-21D Other Disposable Contamination Containers
A-22A Specimen Cups and Containers
A-22B Urinary Drainage Bags, Kits and Sets
A-23C Chemical Bags
A-25D Positioners
A-26A Pads, Bed Linen, Protective
A-26B Diapers
A-26C Other Incontinent Products
A-2A Plain Applicators/Swabs/Wipes/Pads
A-2B Treated Applicators/Swabs/Wipes/Pads
A-31 Drapes, Surgical - Aseptic, surgery application only
A-32 Hospitalware, Plastic/Stainless - Medical use only, such as bedpans, urinals, sponge bowls and water
A-33A Disposable Hospital Clothing
A-33B Reusable Hospital Clothing
A-33C Impervious Disposables
A-3A Plain Bandages/Gauzes
A-3B Treated Bandages/Gauzes
A-3C Casing Bandages/Gauzes
A-45 Suction/Aspiration Equipment
A-4A Adherent Dressings - Impregnated or non-impregnated
A-4B Non-Adherent Dressings - Impregnated or non-impregnated
A-53 ECG/EKG Apparatus
A-55 Electrodes, Universal, Leadwires and Cables
A-60 Pacemakers and Ancillary Items, including accessories and replacement parts
A-65 Pumps, Patient Feeding, External
A-74 Flotation Pads/Mattresses for Therapy
A-7A Blades
A-83 Carts, Medical Supplies, Patient Application
A-8A Disposable Surgical Hand Instruments - Includes instrument accessories
A-8B Reusable Surgical Hand Instruments - Includes instrument accessories
A-90B Tapes
A-90C Wrappers and Bags
A-91 Radioactive Medical Waste Systems